Saturday, March 8, 2025

Blake’s AEW Rampage 6/10/22 Review: Will Ospreay Makes His Debut

In this AEW Rampage 6/10/22 review, Will Ospreay makes his AEW in-ring debut, Eddie Kingston squares off with Jake Hager, and much more.

Let’s jump in.

  • Show: AEW Rampage
  • Date: June 10, 2022
  • Location: Cable Dahmer Arena in Independence, MO

Eddie Kingston vs. Jake Hager

I love that they start the match right away with no entrances (at least not on the main broadcast). It gives you the “these guys can’t wait to destroy each other” vibe. And they couldn’t given their history, with Hager also eliminating Kingston in the Casino Battle Royale on Dynamite.

The story of the match involves Hager as the aggressor, with him using a variety of strikes and power moves on Kingston. A chop fest turns the tide, but neither man is backing down from the other.

They trade big moves down the stretch, and it’s Kingston’s no-quit attitude that allows him to force the break on the Ankle Lock. Hager attempts to finish him off, but Kingston hits a pair of back fists to score the win in what was a solid match.

  • Winner: Eddie Kingston

BACKSTAGE: Tony Schiavone with Britt Baker, Jamie Hayter, and Rebel. Baker calls out Toni Storm for touching the AEW Women’s title on Dynamite. Then she says somewhere from her group will be the next champion. I’m all for the Hayter singles run in the near future. She’s great.

VIDEO: Ortiz hypes the upcoming Hair vs. Hair Match against Chris Jericho at Road Rager.

Jay Lethal and Satnam Singh (w/Sonjay Dutt) vs. Davey Vega and Mat Fitchett

This is Singh’s in-ring debut, and it was short. Very short. It really didn’t give a lot of insight into Singh’s full potential, but the man looked like a monster. That’s what you’re going for, so it was effective in that regard. Lethal hit the Lethal Injection for the win.

But again, this was just about putting Singh in the ring for a few minutes and letting him flex his strength against two jobbers.

  • Winners: Jay Lethal and Satnam Singh

IN THE PARKING LOT: Lexi Nair interviews Danhausen, then Hook rides up behind him in a Ranger.

Red Velvet vs. Kris Statlander

The new Statlander is money. She’s my choice to hand Jade Cargill her first loss. Statlander shows off an impressive level of physicality in this match, and that adds another dynamic to her character. The crowd is also completely behind her at this point.

Velvet has improved in the ring, and she got in a good amount of offense to make this a competitive match. The momentum turns with Statlander hitting the rolling German suplex for a near fall that I totally bit on. But Velvet gets her own near fall after a superkick to the face.

However, it’s all Statlander after that as she hits the Friday Night Fever for the victory. These two worked a hell of a match, and it exceeded my expectations. Again, I like the idea of Statlander dethroning Jade, but the postmatch suggests another opponent is up next for the champ…..

  • Winner: Kris Statlander (Recommended)

IN THE RING: Kiera Hogan attacks Statlander, then Jade does the same. Anna Jay tries to make the save, but that doesn’t work. So it’s Athena who comes out to attack, but officials hold her back.

BACKSTAGE: Lexi with Ethan Page, Scorpio Sky, and Dan Lambert. Page hypes his match with Miro. Page can cut a great promo when given the opportunity. This was another example of that.

BACKSTAGE: Mark Henry sets up our main event. Will Ospreay explains why he’s here, and that’s to separate the sheep from the goats. Trent Beretta and FTR don’t like them.

RINGSIDE: Excalibur hypes the Road Rager lineup, including Chris Jericho vs. Ortiz, the three-way ladder match for the AEW Tag Team titles, and more.

Will Ospreay and Aussie Open vs. Trent Beretta and FTR

Ospreay vs. Dax Harwood to start things off? Bold prediction: That would be a pretty, pretty, pretty good singles match. The crowd chants for Ospreay, so they do know he is. AEW isn’t perfect when it comes to explaining the backstory for new signees or NJPW stars, but Excalibur pushed Ospreay’s NJPW history here.

Trent may have injured his ankle after a moonsault on Ospreay on the outside, or maybe he’s selling. AEW certainly doesn’t need more injuries. It does become a big part of the match, with Ospreay and Aussie Open working over Trent until the hot tag to Harwood.

FTR does its thing from there, but Opsreay and Aussie Open respond with a flurry of offense, including Opsreay hitting a 450 Splash to a huge reaction. Wheeler kicks out of the Oscutter, and that leads to a wild sequence of action with everyone involved. But it’s Berretta who hits the Strong Zero to earn the win.

Balls to the wall chaos down the stretch, so the entertainment value was there. Ospreay’s offense was spectacular despite his team losing. I’m more curious to see who he faces at Forbidden Door and whether it’s a singles or multi-man tag match. My guess is the latter.

  • Winners: Trent Beretta and FTR (Recommended)


Overall Rating: Recommended

Thoughts: A fun show highlighted by an action-packed main event and a good women’s match involving Statlander and Velvet. The road to Forbidden Door has made for a lot of interesting pairings, and Ospreay and Aussie Open contributed to an entertaining six-man with Beretta and FTR. Also, the people love Kingston, and I hope he gets his moment as champion at some point.

For more of my show reviews, visit the Pro Wrestling Reviews section!

Blake is a writer for and hosts the 411 on Wrestling podcast. You can find more of his written and podcast reviews there.

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