Friday, May 10, 2024

Blake’s Mid-South Wrestling 4/24/82 Review: A New Addition

In this Mid-South Wrestling 4/24/82 review, there’s a huge six-man tag team main event, The Assassin is in action, and much more.

Let’s jump in!

  • Show: Mid-South Wrestling
  • Date: April 24, 1982

RINGSIDE: Boyd Pierce and Jim Ross are back to hype the action.

Larry Higgens vs. Paul Orndorff

Orndorff has easily been one of the MVPs of this Mid-South rewatch series. Awesome heel, tremendous character work after the Bob Roop turn, and so much more. This match is all Orndorff, and the finish is an interesting one with Higgens struggling on the first power slam attempt. So, Orndorff does the spot again and gives him another slam to earn the win. Orndorff didn’t seem happy about Higgens offering him little help on that move.

Ron Cheatham vs. Iron Mike Sharpe

They’re all-in on Sharpe at this point. JR puts over Sharpe as a future top star to further that push. A technical performance from Sharpe, who showcases both his skill and power to score the easy victory.

Wendy Richter vs. Velvet McIntyre

Our first women’s match in the series. Of course, both would go on to star in the women’s division in the WWF. Listening to JR explain the rules of women’s wrestling is just wild reviewing this 40 years later. To further prove this was a different era, the biggest pop of the match comes via Richter throwing McIntyre into referee Alfred Neely. They then proceed to roll around the ring. McIntyre gets the win in what was a solid match as the in-ring chemistry was there.

Bob Roop and Tully Blanchard vs. Coco Samoa and Buddy Landell

What a heel team Roop and Blanchard is. Though, Coco and Landell are also intriguing as a babyface unit. A match dominated by the babyfaces, including a lot of shine on Landell. But the heels eventually take control, and with Coco knocked outside the ring, double team from Roop and Blanchard allow them to notch the victory.

RINGSIDE: Boyd and JR throw it to a replay of The Assassin screwing over Ernie Ladd after being offered more money by Skandor Akbar. That led to Ladd choosing Sharpe as his replacement partner, but Assassin returning to take out Sharpe. Orndorff joins Ladd as they run off the heels.

The Assassin vs. Terry Gibbs

Commentary really does a great job pushing Assassin being motivated by money. Sure, that was obvious last week, but these little touches add layers to the character. Do more of this, modern wrestling! Assassin uses a cerebral approach with headlock-based offense and hits the headbutt for the victory.

RINGSIDE: Boyd and JR look back at Akbar scouting Dick Murdoch’s match against Roop, which led to Murdoch hitting Akbar with a trenching tool.

The Samoans and One Man Gang (w/Skandor Akbar) vs. The Junkyard Dog, Dick Murdoch, and Mr. Olympia

The match starts with less than three minutes left in the show, so you know where this is headed. But it’s all about JYD knocking Gang over the top rope, and that sends the crowd into a frenzy. A BROUHAHA breaks out and Murdoch just starts hitting people with the trenching tool, so this was just an angle to further the feud.


Lots of storyline progression as always, even if there weren’t as many standout matches. Akbar’s army is stronger than ever, and that sets up some fun storyline directions moving forward. The debut of women’s wrestling was also noteworthy.

For more of my show reviews, visit the Pro Wrestling Reviews section!

Blake is a writer for and hosts the 411 on Wrestling podcast. You can find more of his written and podcast reviews there.

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