Thursday, March 6, 2025

Blake’s AEW Dynamite 4/29/20 Review: Darby vs. Cody

In this AEW Dynamite 4/29/20 review, two more competitors aim to advance in the TNT title tournament, Brodie Lee goes one on one with Marko Stunt, and much more.

Let’s jump in.

  • Show: AEW Dynamite
  • Date: April 29, 2020
  • Location: ????

VIDEO: Darby Allin and Cody Rhodes hype their TNT title tournament match.

VIDEO: Tony Schiavone and Chris Jericho welcome us and hype the matches.

Darby Allin vs. Cody – TNT Title Tournament Semifinals

Cody selling a knee injury early on. Darby tries to run into Cody, but Cody moves and Darby knocks Brandi into the steel railing. Billy Gunn helps Brandi to the back. Cody starts getting more aggressive after that, which makes sense. Meanwhile, Jericho credits himself for Darby’s success. Britt Baker hits Cody with a shoe as he stumbles around outside the ring. Darby hits the Cross Rhodes on Cody for a two count. Brandi makes her way back out to the ring with a bottle of water. Jericho suggests it’s a bottle of acid. Incredible. Brandi gives Cody the water and Darby hits him with the bottle. Cody with a Cross Rhodes but Darby kicks out. Cody goes for the Coffin Drop but Darby gets his knees up. Darby hits the Coffin Drop but Cody turns him over to get the pin for the win to advance in the tournament. (Recommended)

VIDEO: A hype video for Scorpio Sky. He talks about the opportunity to join SCU.

VIDEO: MJF gives an update on his hangnail injury. He says he now has the strongest hangnail in the world but reveals that he cut his neck shaving. He’s wearing a neck brace. What a heel.

Musa vs. Wardlow

You get two guesses as to who is gonna win this match. If you guessed Wardlow with both options, you’re a winner. A dominant performance from Warlow, and he hits the airplane spin for the victory.

VIDEO: The Bubbly Bunch discuss the Flim Flam challenge. Jericho is riding his exercise bike in full rock star gear. Jericho suggests they fight, so they all do different moves into the camera with other wrestlers making cameos along with Jericho’s dad, Lou Ferrigno, Kevin Smith, Hornswoggle, Virgil, and Vickie Guerrero. Jericho is the MVP of this era right now.

Jimmy Havoc and Kip Sabian vs. Best Friends – No DQ Match

Havoc hits Orange Cassidy with a chair, which is legal given the match stipulation. Havoc suplexes Chuck on two chairs on the outside, then he throws a ladder at Trent in the corner. Some brutal moves with chairs and ladders in this one. Chuck hits a piledriver on Sabian on a chair but Penelope Ford pulls his leg under the ropes. Cassidy makes his way back to the ring and he throws a chair at Havoc’s face. Ford accidentally kicks Sabian in the face after Cassidy moves. Cassidy then throws Ford into Sabian. Chuck with a running driver on Havoc on a chair for the win.

VIDEO: Baker with a walkthrough of her dental office. She gets her makeup artist’s name wrong. The makeup artist calls her Britt, so Baker runs her down and tells her what to say.

Shawn Spears vs. Baron Black

Jericho jokes about seeing a rock band with the same name. Spears with hard punches to the face to push his aggressive approach. Jericho points out that Spears is a different man after losing to Cody in the TNT title tournament. Spears with a modified sharpshooter for the victory.

VIDEO: Taz breaks down Lance Archer’s move set in the latest installment of his series.

BACKSTAGE: Marko Stunt interview. He hypes his match with Brodie Lee.

Marko Stunt vs. Brodie Lee

They’ve been teasing this match for a few weeks since Archer destroyed Marko. Jericho says anyone could be part of the Dark Order, then suggests Jim Ross may be a member since no one knows where he is this week. Lee with the sit-out powerbomb for the win.

VIDEO: Jon Moxley reflects on the things he’s thankful for. He says he’ll be on Dynamite next week.

Lance Archer vs. Dustin Rhodes – TNT Title Tournament Semifinals

Archer kicks a chair into Dustin’s face. Jericho then yells for Archer to punch Pineapple Pete in the face. Dustin is busted open from the chair. Jericho suggests he may call Jake Roberts about getting Archer into the Inner Circle. Archer keeps going after Dustin’s cut from the chair shot. Dustin with the Cross Rhodes but Archer kicks out at one. Archer walks the ropes and hits a moonsault onto Dustin for a two count. Archer removes the turnbuckle pad and slams Dustin’s head into it multiple times. QT Marshall goes to throw in the towel but Cody arrives and doesn’t allow it. Archer drives Dustin’s head into the mat and gets the pin for the win to advance in the tournament. After the match, Archer gets in Cody’s face. (Recommended)


  • Overall Rating: 8.0/10
  • Thoughts: One of the better editions of Dynamite in the no-fans era to this point. Both tournament matches delivered, and Jericho’s commentary continues to be pure gold. A fun episode.

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Blake is a writer for and hosts the 411 on Wrestling podcast. You can find more of his written and podcast reviews there.

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