Monday, May 13, 2024

Blake’s WWF Monday Night Raw 1/27/97 Review: Shawn’s Attitude

In this WWF Raw 1/27/97 review, Shawn Michaels addresses all his challengers for the WWF title, Vader and Mankind square off with The Godwinns, and much more.

Let’s jump in!

  • Show: Monday Night Raw
  • Date: January 27, 1997
  • Location: Beaumont, TX
  • Raw Rating: 2.2
  • Nitro Rating: 3.6

VIDEO: Highlight package looking at the chaos from the previous episode of Raw, which was simply an awesome show built around the main event angle involving Bret Hart, Stone Cold Steve Austin, The Undertaker, and Vader.

Ahmed Johnson vs. Crush

Before the match, we see a recap of Savio Vega turning on Ahmed during a tag team match against the Nation at Madison Square Garden. Ahmed goes after PG13 before the match, which allows Crush to attack him from behind. Vince McMahon loves him some Ahmed. This is pretty much a power match with both men trying to showcase their strength. Crush takes aim at Ahmed’s kidney, and Farooq peeks out from behind the curtain. After commercial, Crush continues to dominate until Ahmed hits a standing dropkick as Crush flies off the top. Farooq runs down and throws Ahmed into the steel steps with Crush distracting the referee. Then Crush hits the heart punch for the win.

  • Blake’s Rating: This was far from thrilling, and Ahmed loses yet again. *1/2

IN THE RING: Shawn Michaels struts out, and Vince asks him about THURSDAY RAW THURSDAY, where Michaels will have a rematch with Sycho Sid. Michaels is confident, so Vince starts asking about the four-way match. Michaels brings up that he’s a dude with attitude, then notes the attitudes of all four men towards him. He’s going to keep the WWF title and that’s that. Well, Vince decides to stir shit up by bringing out Bret. Spoiler: These two don’t like each other. Bret says he’s going to win and face Michaels again, which leads to Vince interrupting and saying Sid may be champion. Then Taker comes out and says he respects Bret, but he’s tired of his whining. Taker also wants the title. And now it’s Austin’s turn, with Jim Ross chasing him with a mic in the aisle. Austin isn’t getting in the ring for an ambush. Genius heel move. Austin runs his mouth and goes to get in the ring but thinks better of it. Then he taunts Vader near the entrance. Another solid segment, and Austin was the biggest star of the group.

British Bulldog (w/Owen Hart and Clarence Mason) vs. Doug Furnas (w/Phil Lafon)

These two teams had an excellent tag match on the previous Raw. The action spills outside in a hurry, and Bulldog decides to pick up the steel steps and throw them on top of Furnas. Once again, that does not equal a DQ in this era of the WWF. However, countouts are still a thing. Back from commercial, and Ahmed is destroying the Nation’s locker room trying to find them. Bulldog controls the majority of the match, and the most entertaining part is Owen calling LaFon a loser on the outside. Furnas reverses the momentum, and Owen decides to get involved. Furnas throws Bulldog into Owen, who has the Slammy. However, Bulldog regroups and reverses a Furnas pin attempt into his own pin for the victory.

  • Blake’s Rating: Obviously, not as good as the tag match, but it did a fine job furthering the tension between Owen and Bulldog. **

IN THE RING: After the match, Bulldog is pissed and tries to take the Slammy from Owen. They bicker back and forth with Bulldog angry at Clarence. Owen tries to calm him down, but it’s not happening. Owen’s character work was so good. They eventually shake hands.

VIDEO: Another replay of Vega turning on Ahmed at MSG, and then it’s Shotgun Saturday Night highlights with Todd Pettengill questioning Vega. Then Vega beats down Rocky Maivia, and he’s officially a member of the Nation.

Vader and Mankind (w/ Paul Bearer) vs. The Godwinns (w/Hillbilly Jim)

Vince hypes LA FEMME NIKITA coming up after Raw. He also announces that next week, USA Network has allowed the WWF to air the entire Rumble match on Raw. As for the match, they tease dissension between Vader and Mankind, with Bearer serving as the middleman trying to keep them on the same page. Lawler’s jokes are outta control at this point, as he’s got one for everything single thing that Vince says. I suppose that is impressive. We’ve got a BROUHAHA with all four men going at it on the outside. After commercial, order is restored as Vince reveals Ahmed is destroying the backstage area looking for the Nation. Vader on the outside with Henry, and that leads to Mankind “accidentally” hitting Vader with the chair after Henry moves. The referee counts out Vader to give the Godwinns the win.

  • Blake’s Rating: Again, more about the angle with Vader and Mankind than the match. *1/2

IN THE PARKING LOT: Ahmed has the 2×4 and he chases after them as the Nation drives off in a limo.

Blake’s Take on WWF Monday Night Raw 1/27/97

  • Best Match: British Bulldog vs. Doug Furnas
  • Show MVP: Owen Hart
  • Overall Rating: 5.0/10
  • Thoughts: This certainly didn’t match the awesomeness of the previous Raw, but it still managed to further a lot of the top storylines throughout the show. It’s fun to watch Austin continue his rise to stardom, and there is intrigue with the WWF title situation heading into the Final Four match. Also, Owen was pretty great with his mannerisms towards Bulldog’s frustrations, so he earns the MVP award.

For more of my show reviews, visit the Pro Wrestling Reviews section!

Blake is a writer for and hosts the 411 on Wrestling podcast. You can find more of his written and podcast reviews there.

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