Monday, May 20, 2024

Blake’s Mid-South Wrestling 5/1/82 Review: Duggan’s Debut

In this Mid-South Wrestling 5/1/82 review, Hacksaw Jim Duggan makes his debut, Ted DiBiase gets his rematch against Bob Roop, and much more.

Let’s jump in.

  • Show: Mid-South Wrestling
  • Date: May 1, 1982

RINGSIDE: Boyd Pierce and Bill Watts hype the action, including the return of Ted DiBiase after Bob Roop injured him. Skandor Akbar will also be adding someone new to his army in Hacksaw Jim Duggan. Boyd reminds Watts not to interfere in matches due to the rules in place for guest commentators, to which Watts recalls the Dusty Rhodes interference from several weeks ago. Watts also hypes Duggan’s arrival, and he refers to him as Hacksaw DOOGAN.

RINGSIDE: Pre-tape interview with Reeser Bowden welcoming Akbar and Duggan. Akbar runs down Dick Murdoch and pushes Duggan as a crazed lunatic who’s willing to get the job done for $1,000. The video quality isn’t great for this episode, but it is what it is.

The Assassin vs. Tony Torres

Before the match, Assassin grabs the mic and taunts Ernie Ladd after leaving him high and dry a few weeks ago. The bell rings while he’s still talking and Torres tries to catch him off guard with near fall. Nice try, Tony. Assassin is all power, and the vicious headbutt gets it done for the win.

Larry Higgens vs. Ernie Ladd

This is officially a HOSS FIGHT. These are two big dudes. Once again, Watts is tremendous pushing Ladd’s accolades. It adds such great detail to these squash matches. Ladd controls from start to finish, and the big boot and leg drop allows him to score the victory.

RINGSIDE: Watts recalls Roop double-crossing Paul Orndorff, which led to Roop winning the North American title thanks to Akbar’s shenanigans. We get a replay of the finish, with One Man Gang destroying DiBiase’s leg on the post after a ref bump, leading to DiBiase passing out in the Figure Four. Watts explains Mid-South can’t reverse the decision, just like the NFL can’t overturn a touchdown. That would change, Bill!

Bob Roop vs. Ted DiBiase

This is a non-title match. I just love how Watts has different pronunciations for DiBiase’s name. Let’s see if Hacksaw Duggan gets the same honor. DiBiase controls Roop in the early going with the ground game. He works over Roop’s arm, then Roop reverses the momentum and goes after the injured leg. DiBiase fires back, but Roop snaps his leg over the apron. Roop tries to wrap DiBiase’s leg around the post, but the latter fights him off. DiBiase hits the power slam to earn the win, and Watts pushes it like a WrestleMania main event. You’ve gotta love it. DiBiase hits a shoulder breaker on Roop after the match for good measure. (Recommended)

Hacksaw Duggan (w/Skandor Akbar) vs. Dick Murdoch

These two are throwing hands right off the bat. It’s not exactly a smooth back and forth, but that sort of makes sense for a couple of brawlers. Akbar trips Murdoch, though Duggan can’t take advantage. Excuse me, that’s DOOGAN. Murdoch hits the brainbuster, then grabs the trenching tool to go after Akbar. Duggan nails him from behind and tries to use the tool, but Murdoch counters. Chaos everywhere until Murdoch uses the tool on Duggan – in plain sight of the referee – and pins him for the win. Akbar is pissed, as he should be.

Bob Sweetan and Kelly Wayne vs. The Junkyard Dog and Mr. Olympia

Wayne (also known as Ken Wayne) is new to the scene. The JYD and Olympia team continues to be a favorite in this series. Two babyfaces who love to kick some ass. JYD absolutely clocks Wayne, and Olympia takes advantage to give the good guys the victory.

One Man Gang (w/Skandor Akbar) vs. Coco Samoa

Boyd reveals that Gang and Assassin will team up against Ladd and Iron Mark Sharpe next week. That doesn’t bode well for Coco’s chances here. He tries to use his speed to gain the upper hand on Gang, but it doesn’t work. Gang squashes him for the easy win.

The Grappler vs. Buddy Landell

Gotta enjoy the standby matches. All action and no filler, according to Boyd. As usual with these, it’s a back and forth affair with both men trying to beat the clock. Grappler does just that with a reverse neckbreaker to pick up the victory.

RINGSIDE: Boyd and Watts hype next week’s matches. JYD will defend the Louisiana title against Sweetan, plus the aforementioned tag team match.


  • Overall Rating: 6.5/10
  • Thoughts: This is a notable episode due to Duggan’s arrival, but there’s not a lot to sink your teeth into outside of the DiBiase vs. Roop match. After back-to-back tremendous shows, that’s perfectly acceptable to have it be more about top stars in action instead of any significant storyline development.

For more of my show reviews, visit the Pro Wrestling Reviews section!

Blake is a writer for and hosts the 411 on Wrestling podcast. You can find more of his written and podcast reviews there.

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